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Check out our latest I-710 and Exide Campaign infographics

Stay up to date with our Exide and I-710 campaigns. Infographics are in English and Spanish.

Green Business Profile

Los Tres Cochinitos and Al Cien Mariscos Y Mas owned by the Montes Family pledge to go green! Read more here.

The Fate of Tesoro’s previously touted proposed Vancouver terminal

The Governor of Washington has 60 days to make his final decision after the Nov 29th  EFSEC decision to reject the proposed rail-to-ship terminal. Read CBE’s Statement on the decision.

Governor Brown signed a series of bills that promote zero emission transportation 

“Electrification of transportation, providing affordable access to clean mobility options for low-income communities of color, and creating effective just transition programs in EJ communities are central strategies for ending our dependence on fossil fuels…” Read the press release.

Support East Oakland in Stopping Crematorium

Before the Crematorium burns 3,600 bodies, the community deserves an updated health risk assesment. In selecting the site for the crematorium, there was disregard for the community, one that is comprised of mainly African Americans and Latinos. Find out how to help and join us in solidarity. 

Oakland for the Living

In the census tract around the crematorium, we are 47% African American and 49% Latino

Why is it that this census tract falls into high percentiles for:

asthma? (99th)

– toxic cleanups? (97th)

– and diesel? (92nd)

East Oakland is left in the hands of people who do not understand what our communities need for better living conditions. You are essential to Oakland and its vitality.

Stewart Enterprises who have merged with Service Corporation International (SCI) will introduce the largest crematorium on the West Coast, at 9850 Kitty Lane in Oakland, CA by the airport.

Residents of East Oakland were not included in the decision to bring in this crematorium that plans to burn 3,600 bodies.

The crematorium will be responsible for emitting toxic air pollutants that worsen asthma and are linked to cancer, including mercury, arsenic, and particulate matter. WE must speak for ourselves and demand life in our air!

Now, it is in the hands of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) to ensure that there be the best possible health risk assessment of the crematorium.

We need your help in demanding a health risk assessment with the existing form of air modeling used. Do not dump on low income people of color communities anymore!

We are asking that BAAQMD notifies the community if Stewart seeks a permit to operate, and that BAAQMD staff conducts a new review, not relying on its 2011 work, but instead using the most current, health-protective standards. 

Click here for sign on letter

Please, send your letter to the local representative on the BAAQMD Board of Directors. We have left space for you to add in your own personal message.

For example, if you live in Alameda County, you can send your letter to one of the following:

Supervisor Nate Miley

Supervisor Scott Haggerty

Council member Rebecca Kaplan

Mayor Pauline Russo Cutter

Full list of BAAQMD Board of Directors can be found here.

For more information or request to present to your local community group, please contact: Ernesto | earevalo@cbecal.org or Esther | esther@cbecal.org

Together we can take down all the ways in which white supremacy affects our communities.




CBE’s Board of Directors Announces CBE’s Newest Executive Director–Darryl Molina Sarmiento, CBE’s Former Southern California Director

Press Release HERE!

For Immediate Release 6/26/2017: CBE Perseveres Despite Multiple Break-ins and Theft

Read Press Release HERE.

For Immediate Release 6/14/2017: CBE Sues South Coast Air District over Tesoro LA Expansion

See Press Release HERE!

Remembering Ana Cano

Read Roberto Cabrales’ dedication to Ana Cano

For Immediate Release: Beyond the Red Dots

Lives beyond the red dots and on the frontline need the power and knowledge to advocate for change. Read CBE East Oakland’s press release on EDF and Google Cars mapping of air pollution in East Oakland here!

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