What’s New


(Full post, publicación completa)  Visit StayHousedla.org to learn more about tenant rights and get connected to legal assistance in Los Angeles. The COVID-19 pandemic has cost people their jobs & livelihoods. This has put an estimated one-third of households in a position where they cannot make rent.

Visite StayHousedla.org para obtener más información sobre los derechos de los inquilinos y conectarse a la asistencia legal en Los Ángeles. La pandemia de COVID-19 le ha costado a la gente su trabajo y sus medios de vida. Esto ha puesto a un tercio de los hogares en una posición en la que no pueden pagar el alquiler.

CBE Solidarity With Movement For Black Lives

[Read our Statement] We stand in solidarity with communities across the country condemning the murders of George Floyd, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and all countless numbers of Black community members that have been murdered by police brutality and white, civilian vigilantes.

CBE Statement of Solidarity

Communities for a Better Environment stands in solidarity with communities across the country condemning the murders of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Tony McDade in Tallahassee, Florida, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia and all of the other, countless numbers of Black community members that have been murdered by police brutality and white, civilian vigilantes. These killings are rooted in the structural racism that is built into every level of our society.

Anti-Black racism permeates every corner of our global society. We enter this conversation against the backdrop of a global pandemic, and we know that COVID-19 is taking Black lives at an alarming rate that is disproportionate to any other community. Black folks are also disproportionately impacted by environmental racism and have been at the frontlines of the worst impacts of climate change. Like climate change and COVID-19, state-sanctioned violence against Black folks is a public health crisis. We must be as active in dismantling structural racism as we are in fighting for environmental and climate justice. The liberation of Black people is vital to the collective liberation of all oppressed peoples.

We are calling on the CBE Community to be anti-racist allies and actively support the Movement for Black Lives to defund the police and defend Black life. Solidarity with Black Lives and Black led movements means calling out white supremacy and anti-Blackness, including from non-Black people of color and educating the people around you about the importance of this moment and the violent history of the United States in relation to anti-Black racism that has made this country to be what it is today. This means having difficult, but necessary, conversations with our families, peers and neighbors. This also includes intentionally and regularly buying from and investing in Black-owned businesses and supporting Black families and community members with financial support and other relevant offerings. The lack of meaningful investment in Black, Indigenous, People of Color communities continues to marginalize a large segment of the American public and left them vulnerable to every harm in our society. It is up to us to show up for Black folks, follow and trust in their leadership and stand against white supremacy and the systems in place that have continually shown us that they do not value Black lives. All Black Lives Matter.

As an environmental justice organization, we are committed to understanding our own participation and complicity with anti-Blackness, especially from non-Black people of color. Internally, CBE is holding space to establish a shared baseline understanding of racism and anti-Blackness- what they are, how they operate in the world, and how they manifest within the organization; develop common language for talking about racism and other forms of structural oppression; learning about tools and strategies to address racism and anti-Blackness within the staff, organization and our membership; and learn about the concepts of feminine leadership and trauma-informed practice, and understand how these frameworks support all staff members to heal from racism and cis-hetero-patriarchy.

In Solidarity and Community,

Communities for a Better Environment

CBE COVID-19 Update/ Actualizacion Sobre COVID-19 de CBE

Click HERE for full CBE statement. Haga clic AQUI para el mensaje completo de CBE. Our staff will update this as much as possible. Nuestro personal actualizara el documento.

Cant make rent due to COVID-19? ¿No puede pagar la renta debido al corona virus?

Follow these steps to protect yourself. Sigua estos pasos para protegerse.

CBE is hiring!

Join our team and please check out all of our available positions!

Marathon Refinery Fire 2/25-2/26/20

Latest fact sheet HERE.

Last night, Feb. 25, 2020, the Marathon/Tesoro Los Angeles Refinery in Carson / Wilmington erupted into a major fire after multiple explosions and a giant fireball:
• The major fire was seen shooting into the sky, with black smoke that could even be seen at night. (A reduced fire was still seen burning this morning, Feb. 26th.) The original explosion was seen as far away as Fullerton (about 25 miles). This is the largest refinery on the West Coast, and its major expansion was protested by thousands, and contested in court.

Get Out The Vote- March 3rd!

CBE crew in Richmond and Wilmington are getting the vote out! Y’all have until 8pm, find your polling place: vote.ca.gov

Jet Fuel dumped on South East LA Community Members 1/14/2020

Click HERE for info. Before 12PM today in South East Los Angeles, a Delta Air Carrier needed to dump jet fuel in order to make an emergency landing at LAX. Jet fuel exposure has multiple health risks. If you experience any of the following symptoms please seek medical attention. Updates to come.

Hoy, antes de las 12 p.m. en el sureste de Los Ángeles, un Delta Air Carrier necesitaba descargar combustible para hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia en LAX. La exposición al combustible para aviones tiene múltiples riesgos para la salud. Si experimenta alguno de los siguientes síntomas, busque atención médica. Actualizaciones por venir.

Groups File Federal Lawsuit Against Chemical Plant for Violating Hazardous Waste Laws

Full Press Release HERE.

Governor Newsom Announces a Moratorium on New Oil Wells!

Full CEJA statement HERE.

Today Governor Newsom announced a moratorium on new oil wells, demonstrating an unprecedented willingness to protect the public’s health and safety from the dangers of the fossil fuel industry. We hope that the Administration continues to work with frontline communities to act as quickly as possible to create transformative solutions commensurate with these crises. 

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