What’s New

Community to Seek Safety Commitments at First Richmond Council Meeting After Refinery Fire

Read the news advisory here.

Oakland Planning Commission Denies Crematorium’s Appeal

The City of Oakland Planning Commission voted (3-2) to uphold the recommendation of its staff members to deny the appeal of a crematorium seeking to operate in East Oakland without first obtaining a Conditional Use Permit.  Click here to read CBE’s press release.

Media contacts regarding the Richmond refinery explosion and fire:


Dirty crude suspected in Chevron fire; agencies accept CBE’s recommendation for path of investigation

Read CBE’s Press Release

CBE staff are providing expert commentary and analysis on the August 6 fire at Chevron in Richmond!

Click HERE for recent stories in the San Francisco Chronicle, KPFA, and other news outlets.

Community Wins Independent Role in Chevron Fire Investigation

CBE PRESS RELEASE: Communities for a Better Environment (CBE) accepted a local government invitation to join in the “root cause analysis” of the Richmond refinery crude unit fire that occurred on August 6, 2012. The analysis will be performed under the Industrial Safety Ordinance adopted by Contra Costa County and the City of Richmond. This would mark the first direct community group participation in a root cause investigation under the Ordinance.  Read more here.


Calif. report will guide climate-change decisions

A report released Tuesday by the state is an attempt to study where California is most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change… Read more.

CBE’s refinery work advances the case for public climate science

Read our correspondence published by the American Chemical Society.  For more details read our notes on the response by proponents of a proprietary refinery emissions modelYou can also read other scientific reports by CBE here.

Diesel engine exhaust linked to increased risk of lung cancer

Click here to view the LA Times article.

California Feed-in Tariff for Poor Communities Passes Assembly!

AB 1990, the Solar for All bill, sponsored by CBE and the other members of the California Environmental Justice Alliance, was passed by the Assembly by a vote of 49-29. If you made a call or donation or signed a petition to support this campaign, thank you!

This important legislation, which includes a local hire ordinance that would bring the “green economy” to communities where it is needed most, is now headed to the California Senate.

Click here to read more.

Great job, CBE energy team and CEJA!

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