What’s New

Environmental Justice Scorecard

When you go to the polls consider using our Environmental Justice Scorecard, highlighting the California propositions that are a priority for EJ communities. Or refer to a complete listing our proposition endorsements in the CBE 2012 Voter Guide.

What’s Up with California’s Gas Prices?

Families choking on the air pollution from unsafe refining practices were hit again when state gasoline prices rose sharply July 30–October 8, 2012.  Read the fact sheet here.

CBE Comments regarding the I-710 widening project DEIR/EIS

CBE, as part of the Coalition for Environmental Health and Justice, submits comments on the I-710 widening project DEIR/EIS, and puts forth “Community Alternative 7” to the project.  Read the comments and proposed alternative here.


The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has begun a criminal investigation of Chevron for deliberately trying to avoid monitoring of emissions from flaring excess gases at its refinery in Richmond, California.

City votes on safer, less-polluting refinery technology following disastrous Chevron fire

Richmond, October 2, 2012: The Richmond City Council voted 7–0 to pass a resolution directing city staff to ensure that Chevron uses the highest standards and best technology in rebuilding equipment damaged by the August 6th refinery fire that sent more than 15,000 to seek medical care. The resolution marks the first formal government action to require safer technology in the aftermath of that disastrous fire.

The action follows demands by Communities for a Better Environment and the Asian Pacific Environmental Network to require the safest and least-emitting technology available when Chevron rebuilds its fire-damaged equipment. At stake is the public’s ability to guard against design flaws that might lead to another, and possibly even more catastrophic, chemical incident at the refinery. (See CBE’s letter to the City.)

CBE’s Guide to the 2012 California State Propositions

CBE strongly recommends a YES vote on Prop 39. View our 2012 Voting Guide here. Vote Nov 6, 2012.

HEALTH: Freeway pollution risk ‘very important,’ researcher says

Researchers who affirm that children living near freeways are more likely to suffer from asthma (Read more here) are alerting urban planners about the importance of keeping homes away from busy roads.  

CBE’s letter to the Richmond City Council regarding the Chevron Refinery fire

CBE requests (Read the letter here) that the City of Richmond utilize its authority to ensure that damaged equipment involved in the 6 August fire is rebuilt using the safest and least-emitting equipment designs and construction materials available.

CBE is hiring in Richmond and Oakland for phone and field canvassers

Read the job announcement here.

Criminal investigation at Chevron refinery

Read the San Francisco Chronicle article here.

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