What’s New

Oil Industry Fuels California Lobbyists

New lobbying data shows Big Oil and friends spent more than $25.5 million lobbying in California in 2012, a new record for interest group lobbying efforts.  Read more.

CBE Joins New Coalition to Protect California’s Landmark Environmental Law

The new coalition (ceqaworks) is an effort to shield California’s landmark environmental law from radical reforms that would limit public input into land use planning, threaten public health, and weaken environmental protections.  Read the press release here.

Community Groups Secure Regulations Over Port Pollution

Environmental groups, including CBE, and community members helped persuade the South Coast’s air district to adopt regulations to control and reduce pollution emitted from the Ports of LA and Long Beach.  This victory will translate into improved health for port communities.

Coalition Prompts Big Step Forward Against I-710 Expansion

An overflowing room of concerned residents during a public hearing convinced a Caltrans advisory committee to vote unanimously to consider a more sustainable community plan (Community Alternative 7) for the I-710 expansion.  For years various public agencies have sought to expand the I-710 freeway, which will bring more traffic and air pollution to Southeast LA.  We’re one step closer toward realizing the communities’ vision of a healthier I-710 corridor.  This victory was made possible by the Coalition for Environmental Health and Justice (CEHAJ), which includes CBE.

New Collaborative Forms to Improve Practices in Oil Refining Industry

The $1 million in fines for willful and serious safety violations issued by Cal/OSHA today against the Chevron Corporation should be a wake-up call for the Bay Area.  Read More.

CBE Stands in Solidarity with Idle No More

CBE, as a member of the Climate Justice Alignment, stands with Idle No More and their fight for Indigenous sovereignty.  Read more.

Year in Review: 2012

CBE secured a number of environmental justice gains for low-income communities of color in 2012.  Click here to view some of our achievements in the past year.

Obama Wins – New Direction Needed

ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE SHOULD BE A PRESIDENTIAL PRIORITY.  Click here to read this article by Bill Gallegos.

CBE Stands with Those Impacted by Sandy

CBE stands with community-based organizations and communities impacted by Superstorm Sandy.  Read this statement of solidarity from Movement Generation.

Chevron fire exposes unsafe crude switch

Chevron’s August 2012 Richmond refinery fire that injured six workers and sent 15,124 residents to the hospital spotlights a growing safety threat.  Read more.

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