What’s New

Chemical Safety Board Calls for Tougher Rules on Refineries

Read this San Francisco Chronicle article.

Community groups seek Chevron refinery corrosion repairs for clean, safe jobs

CBE and the Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) petitioned the Richmond Planning Commission today to declare parts of the Chevron Richmond refinery “dangerous building conditions”… Read this news release.  Read the petition to the Richmond Planning Commission.  Read the fact sheet about corrosion at the Richmond refinery.

Groups seek probe into low-grade crude shipments to LA refineries

Help bring more media attention to this story today by adding your comments in this LA Times article.

Ten Things Big Oil Doesn’t Want You to Know About California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard

Read this fact sheet.

Community Celebrates New School and Park Opening on the Site of a Former Toxic Concrete Mountain

Friday, March 8, Communities for a Better Environment (CBE), the City of Huntington Park, the Los Angeles Unified School District, elected officials and the community will celebrate the ribbon cutting of Linda Esperanza Marquez High School.  Read more.

CSB Report on Chevron 2012 Pipe Rupture and Fire; Extensive Sulfidation Corrosion Noted

The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) and the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) released a technical evaluation report on piping samples taken from the Chevron Refinery in Richmond, California, where a hydrocarbon release and massive fire occurred… Read more.

Sen. Michael Rubio resigns from Cal. Legislature to work for Chevron

Read more.

Poll on climate change: Most Californians consider it a serious threat

Despite mounting political divisions over the issue, nearly two-thirds of Californians continue to consider global warming a serious threat that needs to be addressed. Read more.

New Report Shows Regulators Not Protecting Public From Toxic Harm; Consumer Watchdog Calls On Governor To Shakeup Department and Punish Polluters

Continue reading.

Air pollution linked to low birth weight

Mothers who breathe the kind of pollution emitted by vehicles, coal power plants and factories are significantly likelier to give birth to underweight children than mothers living in less polluted areas, according to international findings published Wednesday.  Read more.

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