What’s New

LA Residents Demand the Immediate Shut Down of Exide Technologies

[Press release] Residents of East and Southeast Los Angeles demand the immediate shut down of Exide Technologies, a dangerous polluter and serial violator of health protective environmental laws and regulations. Read the press release and the media advisory.

Air pollution causes lung cancer, World Health Organization says

[News] The World Health Organization declared air pollution a human carcinogen like tobacco smoke, asbestos and arsenic, calling it a leading cause of cancer deaths globally.

A win for clean energy at the CPUC

[Press release] California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) decision reduces need for more gas fired power plants.

EIR Comment: Pittsburg, CA Oil Transfer Facility

Read how tar sands could get to the Bay Area to explode emissions and refineries now (Read CBE’s EIR comment).

US refiners don’t care if Keystone XL pipeline gets built

Railroads are carrying soaring amounts of crude from Canada down to refineries along the US Gulf Coast, reducing the need for the TransCanada project… (Read more).

Help pass AB 1330: Environmental Justice Act

[Sign the petition] 7.8 million Californian’s, mostly people of color, live in communities overburdened by pollution. This harms people’s health and strangles local economies. AB 1330 will help transform these toxic hotspots into thriving communities. Read the fact sheet.

Executive Director transition at CBE

[Transition statement] I have been the executive director of Communities for a Better Environment (CBE) for eight, incredible, challenging, and gratifying years.

Hazardous emissions from Exide facility

South East LA has been concerned about toxic emissions from Exide’s Vernon facility for over fifteen years. CBE has been calling public attention to the health and safety risks that this facility’s operations pose to the surrounding community… read more.

CBE is Hiring

East Oakland Community Organizer (Deadline Friday Aug, 30): The Community Organizer position will be responsible for executing our organizing and outreach plans to build CBE’s base through strategies of building healthier and greener communities. Read more.

CBE and Allies File Suit to Demand a Smarter Growth Plan from Agencies

CBE, Earthjustice and Sierra Club challenge Bay Area transit agencies for failing to protect the health of vulnerable communities along the Bay Area’s transportation corridors, for failing to ensure access to affordable housing for Bay Area residents, and for failing to adequately address the displacement of low income communities and communities of color. Read the press release here. Read the legal petition here.

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