What’s New

Pesticides near CA schools

[News] A first-of-its-kind report that looks at pesticide use near California schools.

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Charge Ahead Bill Charges Forward

[LegislationCharge Ahead California Campaign aims to place one million electric vehicles on California’s roads over the next 10 years and ensure that all Californians, especially lower income communities most impacted by air pollution, benefit from zero tailpipe emissions.

After first passing unanimously through the Senate Transportation & Housing Committee, SB 1275 (de Leόn), the Charge Ahead California bill, passed through the Senate Environmental Quality Committee on April 30th, 2014, with bipartisan support. Senator Lara’s SB 1204, an important and complementary bill, also passed out of the committee. Next stop for both: Senate Appropriations.

“There is growing appreciation and support for the Charge Ahead California Initiative among our elected officials as we aim to clean up the transportation sector in California, create green jobs and provide access to zero emission vehicles for communities most in need,” said Bahram Fazeli, Policy Director for Communities for a Better Environment, a co-sponsor of the bill.

Read more about Charge Ahead here.

Legal position available in LA

CBE seeks a Legal Fellow for our LA office. Read more.

Exide factsheet now vailable

[Factsheet] EXIDE – Vernon Facility Updates and Analysis:Continuing Violations, Spewing Toxics, and Holding our Communities Hostage

Recent CBE campaign pages added

Learn more about our campaign to stop lead and arsenic pollution coming from a battery recycler in Vernon, CA and a new initiative to place 1 million electric vehicles on the road.

Chevron’s Dirty Oil Expansion Project Fails to Advance Clean Energy Solutions

[Press release] In a community already suffering from high rates of pollution, asthma, and cancer, the Chevron Richmond Refinery is proposing a project that increases greenhouse gases and toxic pollutants… Read more.

Another edition of CBE’s Newsletter is released

[Newsletter] Our April 17th newsletter includes a welcome message from our new Executive Director; plus stories about serial polluters, realizing a greener vision for our communities and more. Continue reading.

Showtime series about global warming

[Video] A new documentary series about the human impact of global warming.

Explosive Crude Rolls Into Richmond

[News] Earthjustice details their legal suit against Kinder Morgan and BAAQMD for rail transport of explosive crude into the Bay Area. Listen here.

Moving California Forward

[Report] A recent report from the California Cleaner Freight Coalition on the future of zero emissions freight transport.

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