What’s New

Expand Richmond’s health, don’t expand pollution

Chevron Refinery Expansion Project-Conditions to Fight For in Richmond: clean energy jobs, cleaner air, and prevention of refinery explosions… read more.

Environmental & Labor Orgs Urge Senators to Resist PG&E & AB 2145

[Press release] Community, environmental, and labor, and groups rallied in front of the Downtown Oakland PG&E payment center to urge state senators to oppose AB 2145, “The Utility Monopoly Power Grab of 2014.”

Agencies Agree to Disclose Enviro Impacts of Bay Area Transportation & Housing Plan

[Press release] Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments reached an agreement with environmental and social justice groups on litigation relating to their latest regional transportation and development plan.

Read the legal settlement.

Oil Drilling Companies Used 45 Mill. lbs of Air Toxins in LA Area

[Press release] A new analysis from the Center for Biological Diversity, Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles, CBE, and the Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment. Read the report here.

This important report ought to startle people about the vast volume of highly toxic chemicals used in drilling operations in the LA region. Some of these compounds such as Hydrogen Fluoride are so deadly that even the oil refineries have phased them out. We need to ask why regulators allow such dangerous operations that expand extreme energy oil drilling in highly populated regions. Either way, we pay for this energy, but we could instead invest in clean solar and electric vehicles. We don’t want communities to also pay for dirty energy at the expense of their health. Neither do we want these hazardous chemicals transported through our communities.

People can also look up the data themselves at this Air District link.

Attorney General Confirms CBE Concerns over Chevron Refinery

[Press release] A.G. Kamala Harris cited refinery safety, air pollution, and climate protection concerns with Chevron’s proposed Richmond refinery expansion—the same concerns raised by CBE.

Chevron Refinery Permit to Pollute Exposed

[Press release] Today CBE filed suit against the Bay Area Air Quality Management District for the District’s illegal permitting of the Chevron (“Modernization”) Expansion Project. Read also the legal complaint here.

Multi-State Zero-Emission Vehicle Program Announced

[Press Release] Bahram Fazeli, CBE’s Policy Director and our coalition partners react to the announcement of a multi-state goal of 3.3 million electric vehicles. Read what they have to say, here.

Clean vehicle bill accelerates in the State Senate

[Press Release] CBE sponsored Charge Ahead CA Initiative (SB1275) passes 27-9 in the Senate. Read more.

Health Impacts from Fossil Fuels

[Factsheet] FOSSIL FUELS burned or produced in oil refineries, drilling, power plants, cars, trucks, & more, hurt everybody. Read more.

New Blog Post on the I-710 Project

[Blog] Years of Caltrans Bulldozing Freeway Projects Through Communities of Color is Over. Read the blog post.

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