What’s New

Read the Latest Feature on East Bay Express

Stopping a Climate Change and Pollution Nightmare in the East Bay by: Will Parish (June 28, 2016)

Want to Know Our Opinion about your Polluting Refineries?!

Andres Soto, Communities for a Better Environment CBE and Sandy Saeteurn, Asian Pacific Environmental Network APEN are calling for action at BAAQMD June 15th!

The Chronicle Op Ed—Cap refinery emissions now

Urgent: Say No to Giant Tesoro LA Refinery Expansion, Explosive Bakken Crude, and More Flaring

Let’s Build Clean Energy Instead – COMMENTS DUE FRIDAY, June 10th, 2016 to the Air District. Send a comment today!


2 Northern CA Organizing Positions >>> Click here

Join CBE at Ciclavia May 15

Charge Ahead to a Clean Energy Future>> Join CBE at Ciclavia Press Release May 15

For Immediate Release: May 16th 2016

Community Members and Public Health Advocates are pushing back… Follow the link >> CBE Press Advisory Tesoro May 16 Final

Victory For City of Los Angeles! Clean Up Green Up, A New City Ordinance

April 13, 2016: Today, three Los Angeles communities can breathe a sigh of relief. Clean Up Green Up received a unanimous 12-0 vote in support of this community based ordinance that will transform Boyle Heights, Pacoima, and Wilmington. Read More..

Creating “Green Zones” in these three Los Angeles communities identified as “toxic hot-spots” will allow business with harsh emission to “Clean Up” by providing resources and programs through agencies and the city. Clean Up Green Up is transforming overburdened polluted communities into effervescent communities with healthy and innovative green practices.

Our fight for Environmental Justice included countless meetings, numerous planning sessions, and relentless community organizing. All these efforts led to a new position in the City of Los Angeles with the Ombudsman office. This position will take a closer look at the cumulative impacts of industries rather than a case by case stance; and connecting these business with green and innovative technologies and programs to better benefit the businesses and residents. The persistence and motivation of communities to power forward in the face of mounting opposition from some of the states’ largest polluters is a true testament to community power.

With our allies and coalitions partners we were able to turn a vision into a reality for impacted communities in Los Angeles.

Clean Up Green Up is an innovative ordinance and is the first step our city will take in focusing resources into the communities living with high asthma, cancer, and bronchitis rates due to pollution. CUGU is a model to shape the City of Los Angeles in years to come by becoming a cleaner, greener city through the work of collective and collaborative action.

Today is a day to celebrate  the communities of Boyle Heights, Pacoima, and Wilmington in their fight for justice. These communities  lead an Environmental and Health ordinance through the City of Los Angeles to reduce existing pollution, to prevent new sources of pollution and to revitalize our communities. Today, people-power won. Que Viva CUGU!

Air District Moves Toward Approving Oil Industry Expansion and Merger

For Immediate Release: CBE STATEMENT on South Coast Air Quality Management District release of a Draft Environmental Impact Report that would allow combining two oil refineries into one massive 380,000 barrel per day facility. Read our FACT SHEET.

Hollywood United Joins CBE in South LA Toxic Tour

Why Mark Ruffalo Led a Tour of Los Angeles’ Oil and Gas Drilling Operations by Tina Daunt, GOOD

Gov. Brown Commits $176 Million to clean Exide Mess in South East LA

For Immediate Release: Thursday, February 18, 2016 CBE Statement >>HERE

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