
2/1/19 Caravan: Demand a BAN of deadly chemical (MHF) at SCAQMD meeting

Click for more information. Join our Caravan to South Coast Air Quality Management District and demand a Ban of Modified Hydrofluoric Acid in our communities, NOW!

On Friday February 1st, the AQMD Governing Board will hear a report from its staff about the future proposal to deal with MHF, Called for rule 1410.

When: 2/1/19
Where: SCAQMD Diamond Bar 21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Time: Caravan 7:00 am
Meeting: 9:00 am-

CBE Caravan (7:00am): 113 E. Anaheim st. Wilmington, CA 90744 (between Avalon and Broad st) RSVP
This is a chance for community residents, and allies to turn out and let the Governing Board and Staff known that a Ban on MHF must happen NOW! We cant wait any longer to get rid of DEADLY MHF in two California Refineries (Wilmington, Valero and Torrance, Exxon Mobile)

We must make sure AQMD boards knows our lives are not a bargain we are willing to take, and they must BAN MHF from the only two California refineries to use the chemical.
-MHF (Modified Hydrofluoric Acid) is one of the world’s most dangerous chemicals – exposure can cause deep lingering burns, lung fluid, permanent lung damage, and death. (Center for Disease Control)

-If released, it can travel many miles as a low cloud. According to US EPA’s Valero & Torrance Risk Management Plans (RMP), a release can travel for miles (for example, a Mobil (now Torrance) RMP says a plume could travel 3.2 miles, Valero’s even farther). These hazard zones include hundreds of thousands of people in the LA area. Risks after potential exposure include serious irreversible injuries, including death.

This is a risk that is too great to ignore our SCAQMD must act now!


Media Advisory Here

CBE’s 40th Anniversary!

CBE is celebrating 40 years of love for our communities! Please follow the link for more info regarding our 2 celebrations.

Wilmington Toxic Tour/ Recorrido Toxico en Wilmington- Nov. 10 from 9-1pm

Wilmington! ¡La gira tóxica del 10 de noviembre está abierta al público! The November 10th toxic tour is open to the public! Flyer/ volante. FB:

Saturday, Nov 10, 9-1pm


Recorrido Toxico en SELA, sabado, Octubre 27 de 9-1pm

¡SELA! ¡SurEste de Los Angeles! ¡La gira tóxica del 27 de octubre está abierta al público y estará en español! Información en el volante. FB: 

Saturday, October 27, 9-1pm

RSVP: or 831-334-2522

SELA Community Solidarity Forum | Foro de Solidaridad Comunitaria en SELA

August 26, 1pm-4pm | Community resource fair and panel discussion from local leading experts. (English Flyer) Feria de recursos comunitarios y panel discusión con expertos locales (Información en español). Click here for Program

Youth for Environmental Justice Summer Training!

July 13, 20, 21, & 27 | South East LA Youth of Color ages 12-24 should register by 06/30/2018. Contact Dilia at or (323) 312-8876 for sign up info. Click here to see the flyer!

Wilmington Extreme Weather Forum- Foro de Clima Extremo

June 9th, 2018 10am-12:30pm | Planning to overcome the heat/ build more resilient communities! ¡Planeando la superación del calor / construir comunidades más resistentes! Flyer here.

Wilmington Water Resiliency Tour

April 16, 3:30pm-5:30pm | Join us for a FREE TOUR of Machado Lake to explore how nature-based projects are capturing stormwater.  RSVP by 4/13. For more info, click here.

Earthday Toxic Tour in Southeast L.A.

April 21, 10am-2pm | Join us on our FREE TOXIC TOUR and learn about environmental justice. Flyer for more information. RSVP by 4/18.

East Oakland Celebrates 10 Years!

January 25, 2018.

East Oakland CBE celebrated our 10 years of organizing! 


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