
East Oakland: Virtual Community Meeting, January 27, 2023 from 6-8pm

(Full Event Details) Join our Virtual Community Meeting on Friday, January 27, 6:00-8:00pm on zoom! Come and learn about the work that is happening in the community of East Oakland and what we are doing to get us one step closer to environmental justice. Help us keep polluters accountable!

For more information:
Adele Watts-

Únase a nuestro Reunión de la Comunidad Virtual el Viernes, 27 de Enero 6:00pm a 8:00pm en Zoom. Venga y conozca el trabajo que se está realizando en la comunidad de East Oakland y lo que estamos haciendo para acercarnos un paso más a la justicia ambiental. ¡Ayúdenos a responsabilizar a los contaminadores!

Más información:
Silvia Guzman –

Wilmington Resident/ EJ Supporters Action Alert-Show up & speak out at the Warren oil drilling hearing! January 19, 2023 @ 10am


We call on the Los Angeles Zoning Administrator (Z.A.), and the city of Los Angeles to prioritize community health and safety by enforcing the law against Warren Resources, one of Wilmington’s biggest polluters. Warren Resources, an oil company operating in the Wilmington Neighborhood of Los Angeles, operates hundreds of wells near community and adjacent to a little league baseball field. Warren was issued an Order to Comply in 2022 for conducting unpermitted oil drilling operations in violation of the Municipal Code, because it lacked City approval.

They misrepresented information in their oil drilling applications to CALGEM (State agency) in violation of LA Municipal Code… to keep their profits growing while their neighbors’ health continued to bare the impacts of their selfish decisions.


Support by calling into the Zoning Administrator hearing tomorrow at 10am to provide public comment after the presentations. ZOOM LINK

Or call in: 669-900-9128 Meeting ID: 846 9939 3920 Passcode: 542056

Tell the Z.A. you oppose Warren’s appeal of their order to comply, their disregard of city law and indifference to polluting the community, and urge them to prioritize the health and safety of their constituents. They do not have the right to drill indefinitely.

Los Angeles: Tenant Legal Workshop, Wednesday January 25, 2023 at 6pm

(Full Event Details) ¡Únase a nuestro taller legal! ¿Tiene problemas con su arrendador? ¿Estás siendo acosado? ¿Quieres saber cuáles son tus protecciones?🏡📝💻

Zoom: ☎️: +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 831 7792 1465

Join our Tenant Legal Workshops! Are you having problems with your landlord? Are you being harassed? Do you want to know what your protections are? 🏡📝

CalSOMAH: Solar Career Pathways Webinar, December 13th, 12:30pm

(Full Event Details) Thinking about a career in solar? Join CalSOMAH on December 13th at 12:30 p.m. for our free Solar Career Pathways for Jobseekers webinar. You’ll learn about in-demand solar jobs, job training opportunities and resources to kick start your career.

Register HERE

Los Angeles: New Member Orientation, November 19th, 11am

(Full Event Details) Join us at our upcoming new member orientation on November 19th at 11am. We will be covering various toxic sites and discussing the resistance happening near you. We will also cover how you can join us as a CBE member and beyond. Hope to see you there!


¡Únase a nosotros en nuestra próxima orientación para nuevos miembros el 19 de noviembre a las 11 am!- Cubriremos varios sitios tóxicos y discutiremos la resistencia que está ocurriendo cerca de usted. También cubriremos cómo puede unirse a nosotros como miembro de CBE y más allá.

East Oakland: Leadership Academy 11/28, 12/1- 12/4, 12/10

(Full Event Details) CBE EAST OAKLAND is having their annual Leadership Academy! This is a great time to learn about the Environmental Justice work that is happening in your community. We will cover emergency disaster training, preparedness, and so much more!

Academy days:

• November 28th

•December 1st- 4th

•December 10th

Sign up by October 15th Stipends available

California General Elections, November 8th, Register to Vote!

(Full Event Details) ¡Las elecciones generales están a la vuelta! ¡Asegúrese de que está listo para votar registrese ahora! Visite nuestro enlace Rock the Vote para garantizar que se escuche tu voz. Asegúrese de registrarse antes del 24 de octubre.


The Nov 8 elections are coming up quick! Make sure you are ready to vote by registering now! Visit our Rock the Vote link for an easy way to ensure your voice is heard!  Make sure to register before October 24th!Register at

Richmond: Adult Community Member Meeting, October 13th at 5:30pm, via ZOOM

(Full Event Details) Come meet our new Richmond Community Organizer! We would like to welcome the Richmond community to our member meetings to meet our new organizer, Marlene, and listen to updates/ call to actions regarding local environmental justice work. Become a core member and help us in the fight towards a Just Transition and clean air for all!

Our next meeting is on October 13th at 5:30pm via ZOOM, please click here to fill out the form to receive the call info! Or scan the QR code! Please contact if you have any questions. See you there!

¡Ven a conocer a nuestra nueva organizadora comunitaria de Richmond! Nos gustaría dar la bienvenida a la comunidad de Richmond a nuestras reuniones de miembros para conocer a nuestra nueva organizadora, Marlene, y escuchar actualizaciones/llamados a la acción con respecto al trabajo de justicia ambiental local. ¡Conviértase en un miembro central y ayúdenos en la lucha por una Transición Justa y aire limpio para todos!

Nuestra próxima reunión es el 13 de octubre a las 5:30pm. a través de ZOOM, ¡haga clic aquí para completar el formulario para recibir la información de la llamada! ¡O escanea el código QR! Comuníquese con si tiene alguna pregunta. ¡Nos vemos allí!

Los Angeles: Tenant Legal Workshops, Wednesdays at 6pm: 9/14, 9/21, and 9/28

(Full Event Details) 💻🌞 Join our Legal Workshops this summer! Are you having problems with your landlord? Are you being harassed? Do you want to know what your protections are? 🏡📝
Our workshops are on Wednesdays at 6pm: 9/14, 9/21, and 9/28
Zoom: OR Call in ☎️: +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 83177921465

💻🌞 ¡Únase a nuestros talleres legales este verano! ¿Tiene problemas con su arrendador? ¿Estás siendo acosado? ¿Quieres saber cuáles son tus protecciones?🏡📝
Nuestros talleres son los miércoles a las 6pm: 9/14, 9/21, and 9/28
O Llama ☎️: +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 83177921465

California: #OurClimateOurFuture Virtual Rally, May 12th at 6pm

(Full Event Details) From the neighborhood oil fields in Wilmington to the backyard refineries in Richmond, we breathe the consequences of California’s climate policies. We love our communities. But oil refineries and fossil fuel extraction are wreaking havoc on our health and fueling the flames of climate change. While #CA subsidizes Teslas and solar for the wealthy, diesel trucks drive right by our homes and schools, and it’s getting harder for people to commute to work, get to school, and meet friends and family.
This year, California’s Air Resources Board (CARB) is developing its 2022 Scoping Plan, a blueprint for California’s climate policy for the next 20 years. We need you to join us in calling on CARB to take bold action to protect our air, our homes, our health, and #OurClimateFuture.
Join us and frontline communities across California on May 12 for a virtual rally to kick off the campaign:

Can’t make it on May 12? We still need your support. Take action NOW by writing a letter to CARB calling on them to help us build a #FutureBeyondOil in California:

Desde los campos petroleos de Wilmington, CA hasta las refinerías del patio trasero de Richmond, respiramos las consecuencias de las políticas climáticas de California.

Amamos nuestras comunidades. Pero las refinerías de petróleo y la extracción de combustibles fósiles están causando estragos en nuestra salud y alimentando las llamas del cambio climático. Mientras California subsidia los Tesla y la energía solar para los ricos, los camiones diésel pasan por delante de nuestras casas y escuelas, y a la gente le resulta más difícil viajar al trabajo, ir a la escuela y reunirse con amigos y familiares. 

Este año, la Junta de Recursos Atmosféricos de California (CARB) está elaborando su Plan de Alcance 2022, un plan para la política climática de California para los próximos 20 años. Necesitamos que te unas a nosotros para pedir a la CARB que tome medidas audaces para proteger nuestro aire, nuestros hogares, nuestra salud y #NuestroFuturoClimático.Únete a nosotros y a las comunidades de primera línea de toda California el 12 de mayo en una concentración virtual para iniciar la campaña:

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