Los Angeles: Webinar- From Smoke to Solutions, March 27, 5:30pm-7pm
(Full Event Details) The STAND-LA Coalition has a number of exciting opportunities coming up to engage in the campaign to end neighborhood oil drilling throughout the City of Los Angeles!
Join us on March 27th at 5:30 PM for a webinar entitled “From Smoke to Solutions: Neighborhood Oil Drilling and Climate Disasters in LA”. Participants will learn about the issue of neighborhood oil drilling, the connection between local oil drilling and the recent LA wildfires, and about what the LA City Council can do this year to end this toxic practice!
The panel of experts includes:
- Ashley Hernandez – Youth Organizer at Communities for a Better Environment
- Maya Golden-Krasner: Deputy Director and Senior Attorney at the Climate Law Institute, Center for Biological Diversity
- Bhavna Shamasunder – Professor & Mellichamp Chair at UC Santa Barbara
- Moderated by Rabeya Sen – Director of Policy at Esperanza Community Housing
You can register for the webinar here or at bit.ly/STANDwebinar!
In the meantime, please sign our petition calling for the LA City Council to end neighborhood oil drilling in the City of Los Angeles and re-pass the phaseout ordinance that was struck down by a judge last year!

CBE/CBE Action Statewide Member Virtual Meeting February 23, 2025, 5:30-7pm
(Full Event Details) Join Communities for a Better Environment & CBE Action for our February statewide meeting to honor Black EJ leaders who have been at the forefront of environmental justice movements. We will share their stories of combatting environmental racism and the unequal vulnerabilities they face – pollution, unsafe drinking water and toxic land – while also paving the way to safety and liberation.
We’ll also share updates from Oakland’s upcoming special election season and explore ways to apply lessons to municipal races statewide, while focusing on engaging communities most impacted by environmental issues to make sure our leaders are accountable and trustworthy.
Finally, hear from past Congreso participants who lobbied in Sacramento for Environmental Justice and learn how you can join this year! It’s never too late to start planning for a trip to visit our state capital and make your voices heard. Together, in Sacramento, we will push for progressive legislation that will improve the quality of our lives and take strides towards a Just Transition.

CBE Presents: Black History, Resilience, and Legacy in Richmond, Entire month of February, Thursday- Sunday, 1-4pm
(Full Event Details) Richmond Black History Exhibit Open All of February OPEN NOW: FREE! A free, public, community-sourced exhibit exploring the history and legacy of radical Black activism in Richmond and North Richmond!
Open all February, Thursdays through Sundays, from 1-4 PM
Where: Richmond Museum of History & Culture400 Nevin Ave, Richmond, CA 94801
RSVP HERE for our Closing Reception on February 22

Wilmington: “District 15” Film Screening, February 27th, 2025, 5:30pm-8pm
(Full Event Details) Join us for an evening with community as we gather to watch our documentary, “District 15” that we created in partnership with Patagonia. Save the date for February 27th, 2025 and spread the love!
This documentary highlights the the fight to end neighborhood oil drilling and we are happy to announce that we will finally be able to screen it in Wilmington! We hope to see you there!

Acompañenos para una Noche de Cine Comunitario GRATIS de la película “District 15” – un documental que sigue a jóvenes activistas de Comunidades por un medio ambiente mejor (CBE) y su lucha para poner fin a la perforación petrolera en Wilmington.
¡Disfrute de comida gratis y entretenimiento en vivo mientras nos reunimos para celebrar la resiliencia y la esperanza de nuestra comunidad!
Reserve su lugar: https://bit.ly/district15film
JUEVES 27 DE FEBRERO DE 2025 5:30- 8:00PM
1371 Eubank Ave, Wilmington , CA 90744 US
*¡Comida, rifa y recursos GRATIS! Si no puedes asistir pero quieres apoyar nuestro trabajo, ¡haz una donación en www.cbecal.org/donate!
Los Angeles: Tell LADWP No Hydrogen Combustion in LA! Virtual Meeting, November 20, 2024, 7pm
📣CALL TO ACTION: Tell LADWP No Hydrogen Combustion in LA!
LADWP plans to burn a mix of gas and hydrogen at the Scattergood Power Plant in El Segundo: a risky, expensive, and harmful project that:
• Prolongs the life of gas plants in the LA Basin
• Worsens air quality with NOx emissions
• Diverts $800M from real clean energy solutions
We need your voice! Join CBE and allies to oppose hydrogen combustion and demand real clean energy alternatives.
🗓 When: Wednesday, November 20th @ 7 PM
📍 Where: Public Meeting via Zoom – https://tinyurl.com/ScattergoodDEIR
Los Angeles Harbor Area: Canvassing, October & November 2024 Sessions
(Full Event Details) Get Out the Vote and Volunteer with Us!
Together we have the power to win big changes that make it possible for ALL of us to thrive. CBE SoCal is partnering with We Are California to host in-person phonebank and canvassing sessions. Click on the links below to sign up!
Los Angeles Harbor Area Canvassing, October Weekday Sessions
Los Angeles Harbor Area Canvassing, October/ November Saturday Sessions
¡Sal a votar y sé voluntario con nosotros!
Juntos tenemos el poder de lograr grandes cambios que nos permitan a TODOS prosperar. CBE SoCal está trabajando con We Are California para organizar sesiones de campaña y llamadas telefónicas en persona. ¡Haga clic en los enlaces a continuación para registrarse!
Área del puerto de Los Ángeles, Campaña puerta a puerta, sesiones de los días laborables de octubre
Richmond: Phonebanking/ Canvassing, October & November 2024 Sessions
(Full Event Details) Get Out the Vote and Volunteer with Us!
Together we have the power to win big changes that make it possible for ALL of us to thrive. CBE NorCal is partnering with Power CA to host in-person phonebank and canvassing sessions. Click on the links below to sign up!
Richmond Phonebanking/ Canvassing, October Sessions
Richmond Phonebanking/ Canvassing, November 3, 2024
¡Sal a votar y sé voluntario con nosotros!
Juntos tenemos el poder de lograr grandes cambios que nos permitan a TODOS prosperar. CBE se está asociando con Power CA para organizar sesiones de campaña y llamadas telefónicas en persona. ¡Haga clic en los enlaces a continuación para registrarse!
Richmond, Banca telefónica/ campañas puerta a puerta, sesiones de octubre
Richmond, Banca telefónica y campaña puerta a puerta, 3 de noviembre del 2024
Statewide: Climate Resilience Stories, Thursday, August 29, 2024, 11am-1pm
(Full Event Details) The Community Resilience Workgroup (CRWG), composed of nine environmental and social justice organizations, would like to invite you to a virtual peer learning session titled Climate Resilience Stories on Thursday, August 29 from 11am to 1 pm.

Statewide: Ballot Measures Membership Meeting, Monday, August 19, 2024, 6-7:30pm
(Full Event Details) Join CBE & CBE Action for a special meeting on the statewide ballot measures.
Únase a CBE y CBE Acción para una reunión especial sobre las medidas estatales de votación.
8/19/2024, 6pm-7:30pm

Zoom: bit.ly/SWBallot24 Meeting ID: 822 7097 9440
Southeast Los Angeles: Sleepy Lagoon Memorial (Community Engagement Workshop), Friday, August 16, 5:30pm- 7:30pm
(Full Event Details) Join CBE and other community partners for a community engagement workshop where we will give park updates! We will have free food, music, and art activities! ✊🏾
¡Únase a CBE y otros socios comunitarios para un taller de participación comunitaria en el que brindaremos actualizaciones sobre el parque! ¡Tendremos comida, música y actividades artísticas gratuitas! ✊🏾
Location/ Ubicación: Riverfront Park, 5000 Slauson Ave, Maywood, CA 90270
*Update in location for this event, meet northeast of the playground (see map). *Actualización de la ubicación de este evento: encuentro al noreste del patio de juegos (ver mapa)