VISIÓN Advocates for a Future Free of Oil & Gas Extraction in Our Communities

Full Press Release HERE.

“California needs to show leadership in creating good policies that protect the health of communities near fossil fuel operations, and this health and safety buffer zone proposal is a real solution which also demonstrates that Sacramento cares about our communities,” said Ashley Hernandez a Youth Organizer with Communities for a Better Environment who lives across the street from Warren E&P, one of the largest drilling sites in Wilmington, in Los Angeles County.

We Won our Constitutional Case Against the California Energy Commission!

FULL Center for Biological Diversity press release here:

“‘Over the last two decades, CBE has had to fight new polluting power plants in our communities again and again,’ said CBE legal director Shana Lazerow. ‘Based on our experience, the Energy Commission is completely confident that it need never justify its decisions in any court of law. This decision ends the unconstitutional bar to Superior Court review, opening the door for communities who would have to pay the price with their health and safety.’”

New Fact Sheet: Scrub Chevron’s Catalytic Cracking Emissions to Save Lives in Richmond Now

In this new Fact Sheet, CBE documents feasible, immediately needed action to cut air pollution from Chevron’s refinery.
Join #CBERichmond to demand that the Bay Area Air Quality Management District strengthen its Rule 6-5 to require Chevron’s fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) emission cuts that can be achieved by wet scrubbing NOW.

Act now: Contact Andrés Soto (510.282.5363; or Zolboo Namkhaidorj(510.495.7959;