SOMAH Program Meeting in SELA: 11/21/19 6-8pm

English Flyer HERE. Volante en español aquí

Come learn more about our Solar on MultiFamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) Program, how you or your neighbors can benefit, and our vision for a Just Transition to a sustainable economy that works for us all! ¡Venga a aprender más sobre nuestro programa de Energia Solar en Residencias Multifamiliares de Bajos Recursos (SOMAH), vea cómo usted o sus vecinos pueden beneficiarse y nuestra visión de una transición justa a una economía sostenible que funcione para todos nosotros!

SELA Environmental Justice Leader Training 9/11, 9/14, 9/18, 9/25


Join us in our yearly SELA Environmental Justice Leader Training 2019!
These introductory sessions will aim to develop an active community empowered with the knowledge of local environmental justice issues and solutions impacting the life, health, and stability of families in
South East LA. These workshops are the first part of a series focused on local level organizing and solutions to environmental justice issues in our community.

1 Wed. Sept 11th 5:30pm – 8:00pm Environmental Racism and OurStory
2 Sat. Sept 14th 12:00pm – 4:00pm Fighting for Environmental Justice in SELA
3 Wed. Sept 18th 5:30pm – 8:00pm Regenerative Vs Extractive Economy
4 Wed. Sept 25th 5:30pm – 8:00pm Anti-Displacement Organizing

All sessions will be held at:
CBE Community Room
6325 Pacific Blvd
#300 (Elevator 3rd Floor)
Huntington Park, CA 90255

Free Transportation
Free Dinner Provided
Free Childcare Available
Bilingual (SPN & ENG)

Question? Text or call Xugo Lujan at 831.334.2522


¡Únete a nosotros en nuestra Capacitación Anual para líderes de Justicia Ambiental SELA 2019!
Estas sesiones introductorias tendrán como objetivo desarrollar una comunidad active y empoderada con el conocimiento de los problemas y soluciones locales de justicia ambiental que impactan la vida, la salud y la estabilidad de las familias en Sureste de Los Ángeles. Estos talleres son la primera parte de una serie centrada en la organización a nivel local y las soluciones a los problemas de justicia ambiental en nuestra comunidad.

1 Mie. 04 de septiembre 5:30pm – 8:00pm Poder, identidad y comunidad
2 Mie. 11 de septiembre 5:30pm – 8:00pm Racismo Ambiental y Nuestra Historia
3 Sab. 14 de septiembre 12:00pm – 4:00pm Luchando por la Justicia Ambiental en el SELA
4 Mie. 18 de septiembre 5:30pm – 8:00pm Regenerativa Vs economía extractiva
5 Mie. 25 de septiembre 5:30pm – 8:00pm Organizándo para el anti-desplazamiento

Todas las sesiones se llevarán a cabo en:
Sala comunitaria de CBE
6325 Pacific Blvd
# 300 (Ascensor 3er piso)
Huntington Park, CA 90255

Transporte gratis
Cena gratis
Cuidado de niños gratis
Bilingüe (SPN y ENG)

¿Preguntas? Envía un mensaje de texto o llama a Xugo Lujan al 831.334.2522

PUBLIC: East Oakland Toxic Tour | Recorrido Tóxico del Este de Oakland (8/3/2019) 10-12pm

Please, RSVP today to get your spot on the bus! ¡Por favor, confirme su asistencia hoy para obtener su lugar en el autobús!

English RSVP:

Spanish RSVP:

FB Event: HERE

You are invited to join our Toxic Tour of East Oakland on August 3rd. We will show you the toxic sites of concern in East Oakland. You will get to witness how close these industrial uses are to where we live, work, learn, and pray.

Te invitamos a unirte a nuestro Recorrido Tóxico del Este de Oakland el 3 de agosto. Le mostraremos los sitios tóxicos de preocupación en el Este de Oakland. Será testigo de lo cerca que están estos usos industriales de donde vivimos, trabajamos, aprendemos y oramos.

No Coal in Richmond Rally & Richmond Planning Commission hearing July 18

The #RichmondCA Coal Ordinance will come before the city’s Planning Commission on THURSDAY, JULY 18, 6:30 p.m. 
Come for the rally, stay to tell the Planning Commission: We want you to ACT to get#CoalOuttaRichmond!

The city’s Planning Department recommends phasing out #coal operations at the Levin-Richmond Terminal in 3 years, as proposed by No Coal in Richmond coalition. More at


Photo: Lance Yamamoto

Regional Leadership Academy: East Oakland & Richmond

Click HERE to register!

Join us for 3 Saturday training’s about our environment and how it connects to our identity, health, and our power. Learn about grassroots feminism, responding to emergencies in our community, and the power we can build together.

**There are 3 LOCAL RICHMOND TRAININGS in addition**

**Saturday, June 15th, Saturday, July 13th and Tuesday, August 6th.**

We have limited spots, so apply ASAP! For any questions or concerns, please contact Zolboo by phone or text at 510-495-7959.