East Oakland: Community Meeting, Thursday, January 18 at 6-8pm

Reunión Comunitaria. Jueves, 18 de enero, 6-8pm.

100 Hegenberger Rd, Oakland, CA

(Full Event Details) Where does our energy come from? How can East Oakland transition to clean energy? Let’s discuss it all in this month’s Community Meeting! Dinner will be served. Spanish interpretation and childcare are available. Click here to sign up by Monday, Jan 15.

¿De dónde viene nuestra energía? ¿Cómo puede Oakland hacer la transición a la energía limpia? ¡Vamos a hablar sobre todo esto en la Reunión Comunitaria de este mes! Les serviremos la cena. Les serviremos la cena. La interpretación en español y cuidado de niños estará disponible. Llene la forma aquí antes del Lunes, el 15 de Enero.

Richmond: Veolia Public Comment Workshop, Thursday, January 18 at 6-7:30pm on Zoom

Taller de comentarios públicos de Veolia, Jueves, 18 de enero, 6-7:30pm en Zoom

(Full Event Details) In December, the Veolia Water plant, Richmond’s current water/sewage provider, released toxins into the air. While this isn’t the first time this has happened, this incident led to an emergency city council meeting. On Tuesday, January 30rd, the city will have a follow up council meeting to address Veolia polluting the local environment. We are calling on YOU to show up and hold them accountable for their negligence and harm.

If you would like to learn more about Veolia and its historic tactic of targeting low-income communities, CBE Richmond will be offering a workshop to support community in writing a public comment, January 18th at 6 pm on Zoom. Join us and make your voice heard!

Sign up here: https://bit.ly/jan2024mtg

En diciembre, la planta de agua de Veolia, el actual proveedor de agua y alcantarillado de Richmond, liberó toxinas al aire. Si bien esta no es la primera vez que esto sucede, este incidente dio lugar a una reunión de emergencia del ayuntamiento. El martes 30 de enero, la ciudad tendrá una reunión del consejo de seguimiento para abordar la contaminación del medio ambiente local por parte de Veolia. Le pedimos a USTED que se presente y los haga responsables de su negligencia y daño.

Si desea obtener más información sobre Veolia y su táctica histórica de apuntar a comunidades de bajos ingresos, CBE Richmond ofrecerá un taller para apoyar a la comunidad a escribir un comentario público, el 18 de enero a las 6 p.m. en Zoom. ¡Únete a nosotros y haz oír tu voz!

Registro de Zoom arriba: https://bit.ly/jan2024mtg

Los Angeles: Tenant Legal Workshop, Wednesday November 22 & December 13, 2023 from 6-8pm

(Full Event Details) ¡Únase a nuestro taller legal! ¿Tiene problemas con su arrendador? ¿Estás siendo acosado? ¿Quieres saber cuáles son tus protecciones?

💻Nuestros talleres serán el miércoles 22 de noviembre y el 13 de diciembre de las 6-8pm

Register for the workshop here/Regístrese para el taller aquí: https://www.stayhousedla.org/workshops

Join our Tenant Legal Workshops! Are you having problems with your landlord? Are you being harassed? Do you want to know what your protections are? 

💻Our Tenant workshops will take place on Wednesday, November 22nd & December 13th from 6-8pm.

Register for the workshop here/ Regístrese para el taller aquí: https://www.stayhousedla.org/workshops

Los Angeles: Volunteer with We are Are CA and CBE, November 3-17th, 4-7pm

(Full Event Details) Communities for a Better Environment (CBE) is joining forces with California Calls and the “We Are California” movement to ensure Corporations and Billionaires pay their fair share and that everyone in California can live in communities that are affordable and free of pollution from Big Oil and Gas!

Join us as we talk to voters in our local communities through November 17th! We provide training, refreshments, and safety gear. Sign up for one or multiple canvassing shifts. Come volunteer and sign up here to see our available slots!

Southeast Los Angeles: Tap Water Results Meeting, September 29, 2023 at 6pm

[Full Event Details] ¡Asegúrate de unirte a nosotros este viernes, 29 de septiembre, a las 6pm para nuestra reunión de agua! Repasaremos algunos resultados del agua del grifo en SELA. ¡No te lo pierdas!🙂

Zoom: https://bit.ly/selatapwater

Make sure to join us this Friday, September 29th at 6pm for our Water Community meeting! We will be going over some tap water results from SELA. You wont want to miss it 🙂

Huntington Park: Community Meeting, February 22, 2023 from 12pm to 1:30pm

(Full Event Details) ¡Únete para mejorar nuestros parques!
Communities for a Better Environment (CBE) te invita a una reunión de la comunidad de HP (en persona) sobre una oportunidad emocionante para ayudar a mejorar cuatro parques en la ciudad. Comparta sus opiniones y experiencias en los parques para que podamos brindarle los comentarios que la ciudad necesita escuchar.

¿Que ves? ¿Qué hueles? ¿Qué opinas de las comodidades? ¿Qué te gusta del parque? ¿Qué mejoras se necesitan?

Comparta sus comentarios:


Salt Lake Park 3401 Florence Ave. Huntington Park, CA 90255

12pm – 1:30pm
*rifa y refrescos gratuitos para la comunidad​**la reunión será bilingüe

Together, We Can Improve Our Parks!
Communities for a Better Environment (CBE) invites you to join us to an in-person HP Community Meeting regarding an exciting opportunity to help improve four parks in the city! Share your opinions and experiences in the parks so that we can provide the feedback the city needs to hear.
What do you see? What do you smell? What do you think about the amenities? What do you like about the park? What improvements are needed?

Share your feedback:


Salt Lake Park 3401 Florence Ave. Huntington Park, CA 90255

*free community raffle & refreshments​**the meeting will be bilingual

Richmond: Toxics & Resilience Tour, February 4, 2023 from 9am-12:30pm

(Full Event Details)🌱Join CBE on Saturday, February 4th at 9:00AM-12:30PM (ages 13-25) to come learn more about the fight for clean air and a Just Transition. The Toxics and Resilience Tour for Youth will be meeting at Richmond Bart Station at 9:00AM! Please sign up by January, 30th and for any questions contact zolboo@cbecal.org

COVID Safety Measures: wear masks/ masks will be provided and testing is provided morning of the event!
🌻 Sign up link: http://bit.ly/3Dbhra7

East Oakland: Virtual Community Meeting, January 27, 2023 from 6-8pm

(Full Event Details) Join our Virtual Community Meeting on Friday, January 27, 6:00-8:00pm on zoom! Come and learn about the work that is happening in the community of East Oakland and what we are doing to get us one step closer to environmental justice. Help us keep polluters accountable!

For more information:
Adele Watts- adele@cbecal.org

Únase a nuestro Reunión de la Comunidad Virtual el Viernes, 27 de Enero 6:00pm a 8:00pm en Zoom. Venga y conozca el trabajo que se está realizando en la comunidad de East Oakland y lo que estamos haciendo para acercarnos un paso más a la justicia ambiental. ¡Ayúdenos a responsabilizar a los contaminadores!

Más información:
Silvia Guzman – silvia1356guzman@gmail.com

Wilmington Resident/ EJ Supporters Action Alert-Show up & speak out at the Warren oil drilling hearing! January 19, 2023 @ 10am


We call on the Los Angeles Zoning Administrator (Z.A.), and the city of Los Angeles to prioritize community health and safety by enforcing the law against Warren Resources, one of Wilmington’s biggest polluters. Warren Resources, an oil company operating in the Wilmington Neighborhood of Los Angeles, operates hundreds of wells near community and adjacent to a little league baseball field. Warren was issued an Order to Comply in 2022 for conducting unpermitted oil drilling operations in violation of the Municipal Code, because it lacked City approval.

They misrepresented information in their oil drilling applications to CALGEM (State agency) in violation of LA Municipal Code… to keep their profits growing while their neighbors’ health continued to bare the impacts of their selfish decisions.


Support by calling into the Zoning Administrator hearing tomorrow at 10am to provide public comment after the presentations. ZOOM LINK https://planning-lacity-org.zoom.us/j/84699393620

Or call in: 669-900-9128 Meeting ID: 846 9939 3920 Passcode: 542056

Tell the Z.A. you oppose Warren’s appeal of their order to comply, their disregard of city law and indifference to polluting the community, and urge them to prioritize the health and safety of their constituents. They do not have the right to drill indefinitely.

Los Angeles: Tenant Legal Workshop, Wednesday January 25, 2023 at 6pm

(Full Event Details) ¡Únase a nuestro taller legal! ¿Tiene problemas con su arrendador? ¿Estás siendo acosado? ¿Quieres saber cuáles son tus protecciones?🏡📝💻

Zoom: Bit.ly/workshopcbe ☎️: +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 831 7792 1465

Join our Tenant Legal Workshops! Are you having problems with your landlord? Are you being harassed? Do you want to know what your protections are? 🏡📝